"Querido Jesús. gracias por tu amor incondicional,
Por favor entra en mi corazón, Perdona mis errores
y dame tu regalo de vida eterna. 
Ayudame a conocerte mejor y a ser reflejo de tu Amor
Amen "


. .... Agosto mes especial de vocitas ......

nuestros buenos vesinos y amigos de Woodlands Danutta y Paul.
mis princesas bellas tambien estubieron en Lulunqui
y crimson spotted chest no es una maravilla ? solo en Lulunqui love love Agosto


actualisandome ......

mi muñequita esta creciendo volvió una hermosa señorita bendiciones siempre para ella termino la Middle escuela y ahora a hight school ...te amo reinita


mis lindas .....muñecas


Making Cement Flower Potsthumbnail Making Cement Flower Pots 1. Mix * Solid concrete flower pots are extremely heavy. For that reason, the directions that follow are for making a flower pot out of cement and other materials, which will make it a lot lighter. If you would like to create your flower pot with just cement, leave out the other materials but follow the rest of the directions to the letter. First, mix equal amounts of Portland cement, peat moss, and Perlite together in a large bucket or wheelbarrow. Then, add water until you have the gooey consistency of brownie dough. It does not take much to make one pot so try to make only as much as you need, depending on how many pots you are making and the size of your pot. Coat and Pour * Set the mixture aside. Use two plastic containers or bowls that are the same shape, but one is slightly larger than the other. The difference in size between the two bowls will equal the thickness of your pot. Coat the outside of the smaller container and the inside of the larger container liberally with vegetable oil. Pour the concrete mixture into the larger container, filling it about halfway. Then, place the smaller container into the larger one. Gently press it down into place. Fill in the rest of the space between the two containers with more mixture. If you would like to add a drain hole, place a plastic tube, about 1 inch tall, in the center of the larger container. The smaller container will sit on top of the tube, creating a hole through the bottom center of your pot. Let Dry * Let the containers sit for several hours. If you can, place them in a sunny location. Then, remove the smaller container. The cement pot should slide right out. If you want, you can coat your pot with a protective waterproofing sealant or paint it. Read more: Making Cement Flower Pots |

Como hacer macetas de cemento q parecen piedra

Hypertufa directions! They look like hand-carved stone, but hypertufa trough planters are actually cleverly cast concrete planters you can make yourself! The principle behind these versatile, easy-to-make faux-stone planters is that their composition of mixed sand, peat moss and cement facilitate excellent drainage, which allows you to grow plants that otherwise probably wouldn't make it in the ground, such as certain herbs, alpine plants, dwarf evergreens and others. The planters' sturdy antique look will add interest to your garden on their own as well! What you'll need: 2 parts sand 1 part peat moss 1 part Portland cement plastic or other mold 2 wooden dowels, 1/2-inch thick in diameter rubber gloves and a protective mask plastic to cover the planter wire brush Procedure: 1. Mix the sand and peat moss thoroughly. Then, wearing a mask so as not to inhale cement dust, add the cement to the mixture and mix it again. 2. Slowly add water — it's important to add it a little at a time, mixing it in well with each addition. This will help avoid over-saturation. Add just enough to achieve a stiff consistency. 3. Wearing gloves, apply the mixture to the bottom of the mold and press firmly. The base should be about 2 inches thick. Then apply the mixture to the sides of the mold. The sides should be about 1 inch thick. 4. To make drainage holes, firmly insert the two dowels into the base of the mold, screwing them in until they reach the bottom. Leave the dowels in the mold and cover the entire planter with plastic (grocery store plastic bags work well). Let the planter dry for 24 hours. 5. To unmold the planter, remove the dowels and turn the mold over. The planter should slide out easily. Clear out the drainage holes and smooth the edges of the planter to your liking with a wire brush. 6. Finally, cover the planter again with plastic and place it in a shady spot for one month. Before using, flush it well with water. So there you have it — a very attractive "old" planter that looks like stone, perfect for alpine plants, small evergreens and more. And best of all, it's handmade!
